30 Basic "To-Do's" When Selling Your Home

Craig Duran


Freshen Up Curb Appeal

  • Lay new mulch
  • Add colorful flowers (AFTER removing the weeds)
  • Trim shrubs
  • Pressure wash exterior of the property + driveway and walkways

New Paint

  • Pick a neutral color palette
  • Paint trim WHITE
  • Paint the front door + exterior of house
  • Touch up mailbox paint + update house

Interior Absolutes

  • Take. The. Wallpaper. Down.
  • Declutter
  • Clean out the closets to show the storage space
  • Take out chunky pieces of furniture to better show off the space
  • Remove unnecessary items from the property completely


  • Maximize lighting + use natural light to your advantage
  • Remove heavy drapery
  • Clean the windows
  • Trim trees and shrubs outside windows to avoid over-shading
  • Replace light bulbs
  • Make sure your property is CLEAN


  • Replace drawer pulls/knobs
  • Paint or re-stain the cabinets
  • Update to stainless steel appliances
  • Update to granite countertops (and don't clutter them with countless appliances and decor)
  • Updating the sink, and add a pullout spray faucet


  • New drawer pulls/knobs
  • Update lighting fixtures
  • Stage with pretty, fresh towels
  • Update bathroom mirror (and make sure it's not streaky)
  • Update shower curtain
  • Clean grout
Once you feel good about the condition of your property, you are now ready to market it for sale. Read our article, 5 Helpful Tips That Will Make You Re-Think How You Sell Your Next House to help stand out to serious buyers.


We’re committed to getting you the help you need as quickly as possible. Contact us if you have any questions about selling or buying property along the Emerald Coast.


Have an expert help you find out what your home is really worth.

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